Engage with your Sponsored Child
Share your love
A girl born without a name
Watch Prisha's story of transformation unfold as her sponsor shares her special story.
Your sponsored child will receive:
- Unconditional Love
- Quality Education
- Nutritious Meals
- Clothing
- Core Values
- Mentoring
- Safety and Protection
- Fun and Fellowship
- After-school Activities
- English Language Classes
- Career Counseling
- Strong Ethics to make Good Decisions
When you sponsor a child, you receive:
- A profile of your child
- 2-3 letters a year with drawings
- Annual photo
- The joy of knowing you are forever changing a life and being a part of it!
These children will have opportunities their parents never had to escape generational poverty.
Learn More
Please download the FAQ page and if you have any questions, please contact our office at 720-404-1631 or send us an email at info@indiatransformed.org.
Build Relationships
Write a Letter to your Child
We encourage sponsors to write their child (include reference number) by sending an email to writemychild@indiatransformed.org.
You should expect to receive 2-3 letters a year from your child with a drawing or photo. Download Tips for Writing Letters.
Honor your Child
Special Gifts-birthdays, holidays and family needs
We want every child to know they are loved and to feel special on their birthday by giving each child a gift in their honor. If there is a special holiday, occasion or need, sponsors can also send a gift to the family.
They Need You
You may be the only person praying for your sponsored child. Please pray for their health and safety. Every month we receive a list of prayer requests and we need people to pray over all their needs. If you can help, send us an email at info@indiatransformed.org.
Update your account
Stay informed
Please update your account and preferences with our office so you can receive updates from your child twice a year. Call our office at 720-404-1631 or send us an email info@indiatransformed.org to update your contact and payment information.